The PGI 990 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is available in the following configuration:
Flame Only
Graphite Furnace
Combined Flame and Graphite Furnace with the option for up to nine heating ramps.
The system is fully controlled from a PC with AAWin Software. The main features of the system are:
The integration of flame burner and graphite furnace in one compact unit enables automatic interchanging between the flame mode and furnace mode using few simple keystrokes.
Eight lamp turret for automatic positioning of each hollow cathode lamp.
Automatic fuel gas (C2H2) flow rate adjustment to optimize combustion in element analysis.
Automatic adjustment of burner height for optimized analysis conditions.
Automated wavelength scanning and peak searching.
Automatic Reflecting/Transmittance beam-splitter positioning
Automatic switchover of spectral bandwidth (5 choices).
Automatic PMT and lamp current adjustment, automatic AA and BG energy balance